I've done research as usual before starting anything, first of all searching for authentic pieces for inspiration. I found these ones I liked :
Shortgown, 1790s - 1810s.
Amsterdam Museum, 1800s.
Netherlands, 1800s.
For pattern I sticked with Janet Arnold's "Morning dress c.1798 - 1805", I already used it on my previous gowns which can be seen here and I modified the front pieces using this pattern found on pinterest :
I used white heavy cotton fabric, and opted for a front opening tied under the bust and also up the breast. The sleeves are simple and straight, I first wanted to go for curved ones like spencer sleeves, but I admit it I was too lazy to figure out how to make them fit onto this bodice.
Everything is handsewn as always, I didn't get the chance to take my sewing machine with me to Paris so I do it the old way, and it's historically accurate so that's fine for me!
I didn't take pictures of the process, I did this short gown in a hurry because I have less than 20 days to make a French Napoleonic uniform to my boyfriend, and entirely handsewn so I apologize for the lack of "under progress" photos.
Overall I hope you all liked it, I did my best and experienced at the same time, taking risks since it's the first one I ever made.
Until next time !
It looks very good!! Good luck with your French uniform!