Saturday, August 17, 2013

Tudor Gown

Hi everyone !

Long time no see ! I have a new project under progress so I decided to write an entry about it.

I've been really busy those last times, a lot of commissions are awaiting and I do not have the time for sewing, but this past week I finally could have some free time. I've decided to go for a Henrician or Tudor gown using the pattern of the book The Tudor Tailor (a book that I highly recommand, it's amazing !).

I am only working on the kirtle bodice for the moment, which is nearly finished. I've used two layers of cotton and tie wraps as bonning.
I am going for a navy blue velvet fabric with maybe blue/or golden satin foresleeves and underskirt ?  Let me know which one you'd choose :)

And here are some pictures of my kirtle bodice :

Have a nice weekend everyone :) ♥